Sunday, September 7, 2008


Britney Jean Spears, teenage pop princess or another failed artist from the 90’s. Come this weekend, an opportunity will present itself for this pop princess to debunk her critics while simultaneously lauding praise and garnering her entourage once again.

The MTV Video Music Awards has always been known for its outstanding and memorable performances. Good or bad, they are etched not only on film but in the minds of music lovers everywhere.

For Britney, last years’ debacle about her obvious attempt at lip-synching and limbless snake-like movements during her performance gave rise to much talk as to whether the pop princess has lost it. Her lack lustre performance gave much rise to criticism from the media and other professionals. This started her downward spiral which included her extensive use of drug-taking, her hard core partying ways, and worst of all, her lack of parental skills, all of which left her with almost nothing.

We all do something crazy in life, seems like she wants to do a GI Jane.

The turning point for her was when she lost the custody of her sons after a long and drawn out battle. To me, separating a mother from her child just because she is going through a hard time is taking extreme to a whole new level. But that's another topic for another day. I feel that she should be given a chance to prove herself as a mother. At least she’s beginning to realise what she needs to do.

If you ask me, she would have realised this much earlier if not for all the pounding from the media and the public. The constant judging, the finger pointing, the ridiculing only served to destroy an already fragile self-esteem. What made it worse was that all these came from strangers. There are times in a person’s life when she needs to realise the depths of her self-inflicted damage herself. All the ill effects or wrongly placed advice cloud the mind’s eye from realising this. Imagine the amount of pressure she must have felt. I know that they are just doing their job but all the incessant invading by the paparazzi, trying to get their pay check by taking the next scandalous shot, resulted in the further distortion of how the public viewed her. How could she have found any time to do some soul searching when everywhere she turned people where either predicting what bad things she would do next or trying to catch her doing those things? Nobody’s perfect, not even all those critics out there.

The 2008 MTV Video Music Awards will be an outlet for her to salvage her reputation as a pop idol, a mother and also bring back her fans. If she succeeds, she will become an icon to many ladies who have travelled down this similar road. Whatever it is, I hope her comeback will be as good a story as her fall from grace and bring her some salvation.

When life was just a box of chocolates


liyana said...

Like she sang- "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman". She was rather young when she got involved with this whole drama thingie. And so she created her own shit hole. But then again, it's hollywood. It's all about fame and getting talked about. We now see many young and uprising stars going through the phase like she did.

Anyhow, i'm a true fan of hers. I hope she will bring back that "Baby one more time". Not literally baby. I don't want to her go "Oops!.. i did it again". I lurve her music man. I'm sure she's no longer "overprotected" and will rise again. Maybe not so high. But i want more pieces of her!! Haha!

Shahril_Yorke said...

A typical story of celebrity being a victim of her own success. Mickey Mouse Club(a child destined for superstardom at a young age), first albums flying off the shelves, a motion picture & a blossoming relationship with one of the rising stars of the industry (Justin Timberlake). The American Dream all in her hands. What more could we have expect of her?

Some pinpointed the end of her relationship with Timberlake as the spark of her demise. Some said it was the mismanagement of her overbearing mum. Some said success got to her head. Well it doesn't really matter does it? Coz she's now at the lowest ebb of her life. How much lower can she get?

But are we gonna take away the credits she rightfully & painstakingly earned just because of the few episodes of drama she's going through? Come on, it's hollywood. Celebrities can only be seen in 2 different lights. Good or Bad? But most times bad! That's the only way their stories are gonna sell. Even when Madonna was adopting kids, she was depicted negatively as jumping into the adopting bandwagon & earning some publicity.

Why can't the media attack Kevin Federline instead? The dancer who married Britney, got her pregnant, used her to kickstart her career, divorced her, took her kids & wants alimony? Why not him? Simple! He's a nobody. Would anyone be bothered to read about him? No. Britney has charmed people of all ages across all cultures all over the world. Naturally, it is expected that more buzz would be created.

Well the mtv awards is a get-out-of-jail ticket for her. but whether she's gonna succeed, we won't be able to tell. but what we can be sure is that the media's gonna attack her no matter what. it's hollywood + britney. perfect combo. but i hope the defunct pop princess will rise again like how lindsay lohan & amy winehouse did. or maybe she should just adopt some kids like angelina jolie. then hopefully she will be seen in better light. but then again, it's the media.

Jerome Yeo said...

i totally agree with what u said about britney. she is clearly unable to handle the intense amount of success in her life. apart from her there are many others too that are "following" her footsteps. The ashley sisters are infamous for their ultra thin bodies at one point no?

Slize said...

I absolutely agree with you on the whole Britney downfall and like you, i hope she proves her worth at the 2008 MTV music awards. However, i would like to note that it is a world of two extremes out there.When things are going right for a celebrity, the media praises he or she and says the world about them. However, when one is at the pitfalls, they circum to merciless criticism from the media. This often breaks their confidence and only a few have the substance and character to rise from such setbacks. I share your hopes that the coming music awards will be the platform for salvaging her reputation.

LaYs^ThOuGhTs said...

i think the media only chose to focus on her misery and her downfall rather than also her achievements at a rather young age and her credits.

i guess a celebrity misery and downfall sells the paper much more than stories on how we should thank about how her albums have gone platinum and stuff like that

Britney is like any other teenager, she makes mistakes. she falters but do the media need to make it into such a big hoo ha?? and do people have to be like ghost, haunting and taunting brtiney constantly of her mistakes? no wonder she is on the brink of insanity...can you imagine if everyday you wake up and your mum or you dad or the newspaper starts to 'nag' and you about your mistakes and faults..and i don't mean once or twice but rather EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!

think about it....thats how britney's life is..but instead of her mum or dad. THE WHOLE WORLD IS TELLING HER ABOUT IT!!!!

:-LauRie-: said...

I'd say Salvation!

The media will always delight in downfall of celebrities.
It gives what the viewers want, what they hope to see... &hear.
Exaggerated truth has definitely taken a whole new level.

Given the choice to choose.. She's accepting it.
There is light in this afterall.

Arare - Raj said...

Good.Let her destroy herself.

When someone "Normal",you know the everyday simpleton like you and me has a shitty time in our lives,we rarely make a bloody boo haa about it.

But enter Britney Spears,and everyone is either throwing the sympathy card and all becoming pseudo Saints of giving a shit.

You say there is something exemplary that she can be to other women if she picks herself up.I respectfully disagree.

A breast cancer survivor from an ordinary mother holds much more inspiration for a spoiled celebrity brat that started to drink at 13,experimented with drugs at 15 and then lied to the entire world about her virginity when it actual fact she lost to a high school footballer.


The world deserves better.

Anonymous said...

Well written analysis, i thoroughly enjoyed reading it although i beg to differ from your views. Britney Spears has been the topic of controversy for quite a while now, her behaviour is atrocious and is a terrible example for today's youth. She has been in constant turmoil but that does not mean she needs to given another chance by the public. She will be given a chance to redeem herself only if she proves worthy of being forgiven.
As for losing custody over her kidsm i think it was the best way to go about handling the situation. Think about her little kids for a moment, i dont think that it would be the best environment to be raising children, with the mother being emotionally unstable herself.

Zed Ngoh said...

i still remember the days of my secondary school life, when she had just released her first album, and all the boys in the class would pin up poster of this squeaky clean teen.

fast forward to today, and we see her on the opposite side of the dichotomy. it is sad how she has fallen to this state, but let us empathise with her; she is only human.

put yourself in her shoes. gaing stardom at such a tender young age, being made to go through the life of a superstar is not easy. having all the money and media attention, it is not difficult to be swayed to wards the dark side of life.

to have come this far, i pray that she will find support in her family and friends, and hopefully move to a life less glitzy.