Friday, September 26, 2008


Okay here’s the truth. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to write about for this week’s entry. There isn't much interesting news other that the much talked about first ever F1 night race in Singapore this coming Sunday. Almost everyone has been talking about it much less reading about it. So what on earth can I put together that deserves a good reading?? I decided to flip through my midterm notes for this module and chanced upon our latest section for this chapter which is the Knapp model of interpersonal relationships. Let me just state that this is one of the most interesting chapters up to date as I could totally relate to the 10 stages and thus, did not take me long to RECALL them.

While typing this blog entry, I received an msn message from the ex asking how I am. It then got me recalling our past. The stages we went through that ended up in the terminating stage (stage 10-Terminating) of any relationship where our relationship was irreconcilable. There was no form of communication between us and I assume that led to my final decision. We had different ideas of communication and his verbal abuse often got in the way of my attempt toward a peaceful conversation. Whenever we got into a quarrel or a misunderstanding, he had his infamous phrase awaiting me, “I do not want to talk about it now.” (Stage 7-Circumscribing) If not now, when then? Because of our lack of communication skills there was a period of time when we both literally grew apart. I started to avoid him, to prevent myself from any more verbal abuse. (Stage 9-Avoiding) I guess after this stage, I realized that there was nothing left to salvage. Did i really want to be in an abusive relationship?

"And even furthermore I wonder why I'm still seeing him?"

It was not always tears and pain though. There was the initial dating ritual where we both got together after he initiated. He started making small talk to me whilst studying and we soon began to go out on dates. (Stage 1-Initiating) We did not have many things in common though but we still managed to keep it going, at least for a few years. He was a family orientated person and thus was able to mingle well with my family. To me, that is the most important factor in my relationships, is that they can get along well with my loved ones. His ability to mingle well with my family made me like him even more and our relationship grew to another level altogether. We started calling ourselves a couple and saw ourselves as a “unit” in the relationship. (Stage3 and 4-Intensifying and Integrating)
Like my lecturer mentioned, the order need not always be but what I do know is that in every relationship, these stages are almost always present.


Zed Ngoh said...

it's funny how we have all the answers inside of us, but going back to school helps us become aware of what happened, and how not to make the same mistakes again.

i have also tried applying the various interpersonal relationships theories to my experiences in life, and i find similarities. it does help me come to some sort of closure, knowing that what happened was somewhat beyond my control.

i would love to sit down some day and have you share your story. after all, one can only learn from the experiences of another.

Shahril_Yorke said...

awesomely interesting this Knapp's model...
well love is blind...wen u love somebody, whether he farts or has a body odour or digs his nose, it's all good...
but wen u get sick of him, everything abt him is wrong & u'll come up with stupid lame excuses to shake him off...
i guess a lot of relationships start off well...i call it the honeymoon period...u chase her for 5 mths or maybe even 5 years...n wud be willing to...accepting each other's flaws - "to love is to compromise" n u'll try to be nice to her frens n family..."the way to a gal's heart is thru her frens & family"....wen u hav lil "misunderstandings", u will always give in & cajole her with sweet nothings...n u will try to come up with new ideas on ur dates...

but deng deng deng....once u catch the fish, everything becomes a chore...misunderstandings become "you dont understand me!!!" & u dunt feel the urge to please or cajole or come up with whacky ideas to sayang her...

they always talk about meeting the ONE...they even come up with stats like u'll onli meet the ONE after a certain number of relationships... but seriusly, it's never abt meeting the's abt accepting the ONE...a sincere, honest & open 2-way communication wud bring u a long way...

Sonia said...

true that the stages need not have to be in order. however, i don't think that all the stages are necessarily present in the knapp model either!

jOaNnE..SaE wAD? said...

yep i dun think all the stages nd to be present to!It depends on the individual and the situational factors..