Saturday, September 20, 2008


In my car on the way home from church today, I heard a news about China’s milk products being recalled. I did not think anything of it until I came home to read the papers and then came into terms the seriousness of this matter. To think that after a warning, supermarkets and minimarts would comply after knowing that milk products from China were tainted with the chemical melamine. If that is not serious enough, what is? Jeopardizing customer’s health for the sake of wealth?

In the SUNDAY TIMES issue, an article entitled “China milk products still on shelves”, reporter from the SUNDAY TIMES itself, Tan Dawn Wei, found at least one minimart chain still selling Chinas milk products. . I-Tech Supermarket continued to display Monmilk, Wall’s ice-cream and Dutch Lady strawberry milk, all of which contained the chemical melamine. This chain outlet obviously did not comply with the authorities. The most infuriating part of this to me was what he said when the reporter questioned his doing, supervisor Chong Nyuk Kim said “We’re just displaying them. We’re not selling them.”

Imagine. If just one minimart were to continue in its sale of contaminated products, the probability of other minimarts doing the same is equally high. How about the consumers? How about the mothers who are buying milk products for their new born infants? Or the children who save their pocket money all week to buy their favourite Wall’s ice-cream only to fall terribly ill to the situation.

Are people this ignorant these days? Or are they just plain old selfish? One act of ignorance or selfishness can cause a whole truckload of problems and danger to many, many, and many out there.

In another section of the SUNDAY TIMES, quotes from blogs shared my similar sentiments in this issue on Chinas milk products.

“As a consumer, there is only one thing you can do to protect yourself and your family: Look for the Made in China label on any product and refuse to buy it. Yes, it may be cheap but it, may also be dangerous and, in my eyes, dangerous is never truly cheap-for the price in health can be very high.”

“A baby depends solely on milk in the first phase of its life. Can you imagine the irreversible damage done to its health?...How true it is when a parent says an apology or compensation will not get back the health of her baby!”

I guess even the most authoritative form of communication fail to work sometimes. In this case its the AVA.
Start being less ignorant, and together, we can help stop one less potential person from becoming seriously ill.


:-LauRie-: said...

I read the article on sunday morning too &one particular line caught my attention...

"its just on display, we're not really selling it"

IGNORANT FOOLS indeed! who care about money more than anything else in the world.
Either that or they think this is not going to affect anyone or 'it could be left on the shelve, no one would dare to buy anyway.'

What little regard this world has for pressing issues like these.

liyana said...

Adoi...y are babies fed with packet or formula milk in the first place???are they calves???the mother are idiots then...Babies should receive the safest and maximum nutrition which is from the mother.

but the thing will be wasted if you throw them away. anyway it affects the babies onli rite?so adults still can drink it and not get affected rite???i mean no adults have been affected...rite??haha!!!

Shahril_Yorke said...

just like global warming, we all know we humans are contributing to Earth's bad state. Wasting resources - the electricity used through charging of our handphones, laptops and mp3s. Let me as you: "how many of you switch off your hp wen u sleep at nite?" we all know the answer. So why complain when we indulge in negativities too?

So the issue here; the shopowners not going with the flow. Can we blame them? Yes you may say that humanity overrides wealth. But are you in their shoes? The owner reported is just a small time businessman trying to support his family. Can he reali afford to be like the giants like NTUC & pull the products off the shelves? who cares about money in this world? either ur the ignorant one or u living in a world of denial or escapism? then i wonder for what purpose you are still living for...

At the end of the day, it's up to the parents or even schools to remind the kids not to buy these china made products. But come to think of it, this reminds me of the Y2K issue wen Sporeans withdrew their cash fearing the crash & the recent AIG scandal where again they came in droves to cancel their policies. well i'm not being a sadist but i'm waiting to see the first case of a victim right in Spore.

stay tuned folks...

Sonia said...

"its just on display, we're not really selling it"

doesn't make sense, because if they're not selling it they'd have to throw it away eventually, so why not dispose of it now before someone accidentally buys it no?

i think in situations such as in, everyone has to be cooperative, whether it might mean you're making a loss or not.

Jerome Yeo said...

i too think there is a greater need to tighten the health security of these products. i feel that singapore needs to be extra cautious with such things. this is almost like the war on terror. infact this is worst because the future of the nation is at stake.

Zed Ngoh said...

we live in a narcissistic world where people try to make the most amount of money in the shortest period of time. that is the reason why milk is tainted; it increases it's value without actually having more milk in it.

'We’re just displaying them. We’re not selling them.' this is a classic example of how our highly educated society has evolved to play with words. with something like this said, what is your response? isn't it saying things for the sake of saying it?

and what if i can't out talk you? then i shall pay some locally educated lawyer, and just sue you. but, that's another story altogether.