Saturday, November 8, 2008

Past VS Present

Can media really transform a person? I wholeheartedly agree.From my first entry, we can see that pop princess Britney Jean Spears fell to the hands of the media after she was influenced by alcohol and drug consumptions. Not only did the media hound her, they hounded her till she had nothing else to hide.

Alright, alright, heres a personal view on how the media had influenced me. This was ME-Back in the days

I have never been a social person, much less someone who dares to stand in front of a large audience and bare her soul to the whole audience, whoever they may be. In 2007, a friend of mine, a close friend, encouraged to take part in the Miss Singapore Universe 2007. HELL NO! That was my initial reply to her request. After countless probing and speculation of the decision, she convinced me that I should just go for the auditions and than take a look from there, see hoow it goes. Little did I know that the media had influenced her so much, to the extent tht she convinced me, a social no no, to take part. Low and behold, I mangaed to clinch top ten.

After winning the top ten, I decided to take a long break from all this media influences as it was not my cup of tea. This was not about to happen. I was watching Tv one day and the advertisement for the Deal or No deal casting for models was airing. Hmm, I wouldnt mind being in one the show i thought to myself. OH GOODNESS! Have i really been influenced by the media so much so that I, me, Joanne was actually coonsidering filling up forms, picking up the phone and calling for an audition? Yes-The media has influeced me. However, on that day itself, I received a phonecall from the assistant asking me to come down for an audition as they have spotted me from the previous show that i had been on. This is how i got to be briefcase no 5.

From my personal evidence, there is the obvious form of media nfluemce on me and that would be the television. Since I watch the tele EVERYDAY and it usually takes up half my day, (apart from studying com101 of course), I have been greatly influenced by this specific form of media. As I have learnt in communication, the POWERFUL EFFECTS THEORY-Hypodermic needle. It is one of the first concepts on the effects of mass media where, to put it simply,the media and audience are correlated in a way where the media is powerful and the audience is powerless.

Although the media did allow itself to manifest into my way of life, I have not regretted it ever since.


Slize said...

Two things

Number 1 - If the subject is on media influence here. I'd like to think that the media has influenced you in such a way that slim is beautiful.

In my opinion, it influences all women. However, the media can also influence one in the way that being on Singapore's most reknown paegent or the Case series is beautiful and hence, as we all want to be good looking or beautiful in one way or the other, influences us to join.

Am i right to say?. Indirectly, the media has a magic bullet effect on you.

Number 2- You look exceptionally gorgeous. :)

jOaNnE..SaE wAD? said...

Hmm, no actually it did not influence me in that way. In fact, I always mae fun of women in beauty pageants. However, my attitude and idea of them changed when i stepped into their world. These women were not air headed women who only had beauty, a nice smile and long legs. In fact Terence, they were really intelligent woomen. Many of them were from top universities like NUS. Some of the even held wonderful carrers. The main idea here is that thesse women were brave enough to bare their souls on national television. It really takes a lot of courage to do something like that. And i think i knw that by now, seeing I have been there myself.haha!

OH!! and thanks for the very nice compliment!!