Thursday, November 6, 2008

When East meets West.

Why is the world unique? Nevertheless, there are so many answers to one question but in my opinion, in are the so many diverse and unique cultures in the world that makes it special. It can be rather interesting for one to observe or experience another culture’s way of life to some but at the same time pose culture shock to another. Try offering a delicious curry fish head dish to a westerner and you could possibly be shot for that.
I was in a French market once in Nantes, and while looking at the wide array of fruits, handled some like those typical aunties in Singapore you see do in the market. What happened? The fruit seller yelled at me as if I had committed adultery with her husband.

Nonetheless, when people from different cultures meet, there is always a chance of misunderstanding or misinterpretation of gestures and behaviors which can sometimes lead to comical happenings; especially when west meets east.

Please kindly take a look at the clip which is only a minute long.

Evidently, we see a subtle yet hilarious misunderstanding of two cultures here. Firstly, it’s a disaster already from these insensitive Chings to offer a white boy eel for dinner. It equates to offering you buffalo testicles for dinner; yes, there we girls go “urgh” and “eww”. More obviously, our friend assumes this is good old London and finishes his dish, even slurping up the very last bit of food in the bowl (0.26-0.29); bad mistake. He is offered a second bigger serving as is perceived by the host be questioning their genrosity of the dish offered. Again, because of his culture, amazingly finishes off his second dish by clearing the bowl. That’s two eels in one’s stomach; definitely not a delight to most. What happens next is as unsurprisingly obvious as unfortunate for him. We can all guess he’ll probably never ever finish his dish again in China.

On an academic note, we see a mistake in the perception of reality from both parties. Both perception of their own realities contradicts the other’s reality regarding whether a dish offered should be finished or not. There is also an assumption of similarity both sides’ assumptions contradicts the other’s perception on the situation. Therefore, as we have learnt, communication and clarification is vital to counter cultural conflict.

What would Culture look like if it became one?

My point being that we people should be sensitive and updated on an unfamiliar culture if we do ever have intercultural contacts. What is appropriate for us may be extremely inappropriate for another .Wrong gestures may lead to different cultural interpretations which may affect business or even interpersonal relationships.

Unless you’re a big eater and the dish offered is nothing out of the ordinary, be sure to finish your dish when in China if you want more food.

Have you ever had anything odd on your plate?


:-LauRie-: said...

interesting entry.

anything odd on my plate would be
duck's embryo in Philippines.

what wld it be like if culture became one?
wouldnt want to imagine that because yay diversity!
its what makes the world beautiful.

Sonia said...

i agree with laurie on how culture makes the world beautiful. life'd be boring if everyone and everything were the same!

liyana said...

Something that appeared weird on my plate can't think of anythg. I eat everything it's jus a matter whether i want or do not want to eat it. Mayb the weirdest thing would me crickets but it tasted like fried anchovies to me. HAHA!

Anyway, i agree with your point
---> My point being that we people should be sensitive and updated on an unfamiliar culture if we do ever have intercultural contacts.
Cos i cant eat rice with chopstick. But if i need to i will learn just to close the deal. HAHA!

jOaNnE..SaE wAD? said...

haha..lee, you can learn how to eat rice with chopsticks from me..ill teach you so one day, when it all boils down to will close the deal!

Unknown said...

i think the oddest thing on my plate would be when Joanne decides to cook something and try to pass it of for food....

on a serious note..when one talks about culture u think of society, music, language, attitudes even a particular person so on and so forth...immersing yourself in different cultures ensures you as an individual an enriching experience and most importantly a whole lot of fun

as the saying goes..

when in Rome...